What are “anchors” and how can they support my pregnancy and labour?
In this blog we will identify what anchors in pregnancy are, how anchors in pregnancy can support your birth preparation and labour. We will explore if anchors work in pregnancy and labour and share a few ways that anchors can help you in your post partum period.
The pelvic floors role in pregnancy and birth
What is is the role of the pelvic floor in pregnancy and labour.
What is the function of the pelvic floor
What does the pelvic floor need to do during the pushing stage of labour
How can you train the pelvic floor for birth?
3 pregnancy yoga poses - for a better birth
Discover 3 birth positions to support labour and birth
Induction (The bit that is not clear…)
A blog to reveal one key part of the induction information that is often over looked by medical professionals when explaining the induction process. You MUST know this before agreeing to induction.
Tits, teeth and ASS
This post is particularly for pre and post natal women we will address
Pregnancy postural changes
How having a tight glutes can cause ALL the pelvic/hip and back pain you have
The importance of your big toes
In pregnancy we experience HEAPS of changes. Hormones and emotional shifts are a plenty BUT we also see huge PHYSICAL changes. We experience an increase of the hormone in relaxin in our first trimester. This hormone is designed to allow our muscles and joints more length and mobility to adapt to our growing baby, it’s a pretty amazing thing. However it can cause instability and pain in joints that were already taking the preassure due to our daily life styles of prolonged sitting and habitual holding patterns like holding your bag on one shoulder.
Sleep in Pregnancy
A blog on sleep during pregnancy. Positioning, techniques to help you drift off and other supports that may help you.
Postnatal “Stress”
An article covering the impact of stresses on the body of the mother during her postnatal period and how these stresses can contribute to negative effects when exercising to a high intensity level if recovery from pregnancy and birth is still on going.
Hello & Welcome
Hello and welcome to my blog. A brief introduction to me and my little business!