Online Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga to support your birth preparation from conception to birth.

You didn’t want to feel this way. Pregnant, in an new and ever changing body, swamped by all of the choices you need to make about your diet, your exercise your birth choices. This was me 5 years ago. A regular gym goer struck by sickness for the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and knowing absolutely nothing about pregnancy, birth and how it unfolded. 

Pregnancy Yoga

I know you want to feel supported in your birth preparation. You want to understand how on earth your body will birth a whole tiny human. You spend some days looking at all of the birth preparation books and courses and others thinking you’ll just wing it. 

But let me tell you why this will not work.

Birth is unpredictable, and it may not go the way you hope it will. I know this because it happened to me. I knew a little about the physiology of birth, but I didn’t know enough about myself. I needed a deeper sense of connection, to the power of my body, its capabilities. I also needed a little more evidenced based knowledge about birthing in a hospital setting.

Because understanding these two things changes everything. 

Knowledge and connection to your body put you in the driving seat so that if things go off plan you can respond from a place of knowledge, and intuition. You can consider what is best for both you and your baby to ensure that your birth is a positive experience and your postnatal journey begins with nothing but love for yourself and your beautiful baby. 

My online pregnancy yoga course…

Teaches everything you need to know to cultivate self love and trust for your body and your baby. Feeling confident and prepared for your birth where ever it may unfold.

You can access the pregnancy yoga sessions at any time from any location,to help you build a powerful connection with your body and your baby.

Do you want to find ways to alleviate back, hip and shoulder pain in pregnancy?

Do you want to build a sense of connection to your body and baby?

Do you want to understand birth positions that to support your labour?

Did you know?

Did you know?

Your body has a muscle memory? When you are in established natural labour your thinking brain switches off and you navigate labour via your parasympathetic nervous system. From this state you are able to find positions and breathing patterns that will support the progress of your baby through the pelvis and out into the world. By regularly practicing yoga and mindfulness you can enhance your ability to connect to your parasympathetic state thus shortening the length of your labour and even reducing your perceived levels of pain during contractions. 


I am Chloe founder of wellness with Chloe Rose and MamaWellness. I first really connected with yoga during my first pregnancy. My birth was natural but my experience was not wholly empowering. I know first hand how incredibly valuable it is to trust your body’s instincts and abilities. It is through yoga, mindfulness and evidenced based birth knowledge that I have completely changed my opinion of myself, from anxious, quiet and a little controlling to strong, capable and full of self love. The knowledge I have gained not only helped me to have an incredible second hospital birth, it has also shaped the woman I am today. Mother of two, lover of the outdoors, yoga practitioner and birth educator. 

This is for you if you are currently pregnant and want to keep moving safely throughout your pregnancy journey.

Online pregnancy yoga sessions allow you access to classes at any time. Ideal as your energy levels fluctuate so quickly during pregnancy. My online Move to Birth pregnancy yoga course not only provides you with safe pregnancy yoga flows to match your mood, it also provides additional birth education workshops and specific shorter sessions to support your body and mind as your prepare for birth.

You will also find a library of meditations to assist relaxation and reduce anxiety in pregnancy. Regularly inducing a state of relaxation in pregnancy, otherwise known as finding your rest and digest state supports your parasympathtic nervous system. It is this complex system that drives labour and birth. Move to birth is a unique pregnancy yoga programme that provides you with all the tools you need to enhance your birth preparation. Want to try a session for free? Hit the sign up button below to receive the link to one of my birth preparation flows below.

Free Pregnancy Yoga Session