Postnatal Health Check
For new mothers wanting further support with their pelvic health and physical recovery after birth.
You wanted your maternity leave to feel luxurious, with no work and plenty of time, you wanted to be out meeting other mums trying new things and doing all the stuff you never had time to do before. But that isn’t happening right now.
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Something doesn’t feel right, it might be that you leak wee or poo, it might be a consistent heaviness in your pelvic floor. It might even be that you have a diagnosed prolapse You may have seen a physio already who has just prescribed kegals. But you keep forgetting to do them or worse they cause more symptoms.
You want to begin to move your body again, perhaps running, perhaps weight lifting in the gym. Or maybe you want to get through the day without leaking. But right now that seems like a day a long way off and you have no idea how to get there. Doctors dismiss you and physio therapy so far hasn’t helped.
But there is hope…
Pelvic floor dysfunction responds well when we work with the whole person. Body and mind.
Using simple relaxation techniques and basic exercises along with breathing strategies you can do all the things you want to without the symptoms you have now. The recovery won’t always be linear, there will be good days interspersed with symptomatic days but over time you will start to heal.
My postnatal appointments
My postnatal appointment delves into your pregnancy and birth journey to where you are at now.
We not only look at your physical symptoms and provide breathing strergies and body weight exercises to regain strength and control. We also look at mental factors such as anxiety and stress, your levels of depletion and put in place systems and techniques to help you manage these emotions and feelings as you navigate motherhood.
Your personalised pelvic health appointment can be in a studio in Morpeth Northumberland or in the comfort of your own home. Babies are very welcome or you can come alone if you are in need of some time just for you.
(These appointments are also suitable for those of you experiencing symptoms that have older children or even adult children.)
Pelvic Floor dysfunction Support
Do you want 90 minuets dedicated to understanding your symptoms and how to improve them?
Do you want to feel confident that you have a tool kit of strategy’s to help you manage the tricky symptomatic days
Do you want to stop feeling helpless and learn more about your condition to empower your recovery?
Did you know…
Did you know that continuous constipation can be a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction. Especially if paired with pain in the front of the pelvis and or leaking. The pelvic floor is split into 4. If one quadrent of the muscle is tight it effects the other sections too!
If we struggle to completely empty our bowels it could be due to a tight positiror pelvic floor. If you pelvic floor muscles are tight at the back this can cause tension in the glutes and hamstrings and result in calf, hip and even back pain. Left untreated this can cause limited mobility and significant pain in later life. We need to be able to fully relax ALL parts of the pelvic floor as well as contract the pelvic floor to acheive good function.
HI I am Chloe
My passion for this work began long before I was a yoga practioner and birth educator. I suffered with back pain from a very early age. It stopped me from persuing my dream career as a Dancer. I saw countless professionals none of whom could identify the source of my cripeling pain.
It was only after my first birth, and postnatal recovery that I really understood the connection between the pelvic floor muscles and the rest of the body. My yogic practice has also taught me just how important your mental well being is when managing pelvic floor dysfunction. If you hold stress and anxiety in your mind your pelvic floor will likely be the place you hold it in your body!
I have trained along side experts in personal training and physio therapy to treat my own dysfunction and now I want to support as many women as I can to chnage the narrative on pelvic health after birth. Kegals are NOT the way to treat all pelvic health concerns. I want to show you a better way!
This is for you if are suffering with leaking, heaviness, constipation, back or hip pain after pregnancy and or birth. Let us look at all of you, holistically to treat your symptoms. This 90 minuet appointment will provide you with strategies and exercises that you can apply to every day life to manage and heal your symptoms. For some a single appointment will be enough to set you back onto the right track. For others continued support in the form of a bespoke treatment plan can be arranged. Together we can heal your body so that you are able to live your life as a mother to its full. No more suffering.