Getting Pregnant 2.0
Second time round!
My second pregnancy - a hoped for and planned pregnancy! After the birth of my first born in Jan 2020 and the trails and turbulation of raising a baby during Covid times over 200 miles away from family. This pregnancy has been different from the beginning. I knew I wanted a full year of trying to establish my business and a year of living without restrictions to enjoy life with family friends and the tiny human we had already created. Not to mention our first tiny human was NOT a fan of sleeping, particularly at night time for the first two years and I knew I could not manage more prolonged sleep deprivation without a brief rest! (In the summer of 22 we started to get a bit more sleep!)
September 2022… I was finally ready, mentally and physically!
My periods returned after my first birth in October 2021 almost 22 months after birth! Initaly they followed their traditional irregular pattern or so I thought. But after reading lots of different articles around cycle tracking and seed cycling (this is a subject for another blog) I started to find a pattern to my cycle. We began actively TRYING for our baby in August 22 and on the 4th of November 22 our baby was conceived. (I’m pretty sure of that date!)
This is SO different to my first pregnancy when we were sort of “trying” for around a year but I had no idea about my cycle or when I was ovulating. I had decided after 12 months that maybe a baby was not going to be our journey! However 2.0 I know exactly when this baby was made which, in some way, I feel gives me more confidence!
I was able to identify roughly when we will be able to expect our baby so I feel I am already more informed and knowledgeable about my body and the process it is going through.
We found out roughly 2 weeks after conception so around the end of November 22. What were the signs?
A heightened awareness for the environment (particular the outdoors) I felt so connected to the Autumn, I was so drawn to the colours of the season, to the falling leaves and the sense of relief and release around me. I went on my annual girls trip to west Northumberland and on the drive over I actually felt as though the woodland surrounding me was “talking to me” which is certainly not a sensation I usually have. As weird as it was I quite enjoyed this connection to nature this need to embrace the season and enjoy it for all it brought.
I seemed to have left my brain anywhere and everywhere. I forgot appointments, the names of yoga poses when teaching and even the names of parts of the body. My brain would just go blank!
Insomnia, I was falling asleep very quickly but waking up between 12 and 2 and finding it almost impossible to go back to sleep.
Physically though I felt really well (very unlike my first pregnancy when I fell ill for the first few weeks, had a very painful lower back AND felt so tired I couldn’t do a weighted squat at the gym) which is why I took a pregnancy test
The first few weeks of knowing about this pregnancy certainly brought some new perspective to being a mum of one. I have always tried to be as present as possible with my little boy but knowing that I potentially might only have 8 more months of JUST US really made me appreciate our time together. We had some lovely days out and I booked some early Christmas events knowing that I might start to feel poorly as we got to Christmas. We made memories that I will cherish forever and that maybe William might remember too!
4.5 weeks in… And my friend nausea returned just as it did in my first pregnancy. Gradually the sickness came and for the next 15 weeks pregnancy kicked my butt!