Welcome to your Move to Birth taster
Pregnancy yoga and birth preparation workshops at your fingertips.
This short session is part of the Move to Birth Yoga series and works with the lower part of the body to gently open the different pelvic in-lets and outlets. These movements should feel lovely for your body to practice. And include movements that may be useful in labour as your baby navigates through your pelvis.
If you enjoyed this session and want to find our more about the Move to Brith online pregnancy yoga series or the Birth Intuition Birth Education Course click below.
Birth Intuition
My signature birth preparation course designed to help you connect to your inner birthing wisdom. You already have all that you need to birth your baby. My job is to help you uncover your feminie wisdom.
A carefully curated birth preparation course designed with you the birthing woman at its heart.
This birth preparation course covers our birthing herstory the past that informs the modern day birth culture we have the uk. Because we haven’t always birthed the way we do now and in order for you to understand your choices you need to understand the choices of those women who birthed before you. Your Great Grandmother would most likely have arrived at home with only a midwife to tend to her mother’s needs.
I have combined
-Breath work
-Birth bio mechanics
To cover not only the physical act of birth but also the emotional and energetic aspects of this transformational journey in your life.
This course looks at our modern birthing culture in a medical setting. We cover induction methods, vaginal examinations, heart rate monitoring, pain relief, placenta birth and the evidence base behind these and other “norms” of general practice.
Birth Intuition will provide you with knowledge about your body and it’s ability. It will leave you with a clear understanding of common interventions what they are, and how they will effect both you and your baby, you will also leave with techniques and practices to help you through your birthing process.
It is never too soon to start your birth preparation. The longer you have to understand birth the longer you have to prepare both your mind and body for the journey ahead. Because how you birth your baby is one of the most important parts of your life, it will shape the mother you become. It will also create the foundations of the life of baby you birth. Birth matters. And you deserve to do it in a way that is right for you.