Week of period. The twisting will bring compression and release to the abdomen to help clear the uterine lining.
Sun Salutations
This is for the days when you are feeling more energetic. For you right now I would avoid doing it for the week after your period has finished.
Head Neck and Shoulders
Any time to ease tension. Really helpful if you are feeling stressed and anxious and super gentle on your nervous system.
Bedtime flow
As much as you can. This is number one for you.
I am not sure how much you know about the different parts of your menstrual cycle and what your body needs at each point.
Here gentle compression and release is good. We want movements that circle the pelvis to help shift the flow of blood down. This is the clearing out phase we want to really work on the physical release but also the emotional release too. So practices like journaling here are great! Writing down how you feel about your journey to pregnancy or just about your day in general.
end of period to ovulation
This is when we need to nourish nourish nourish. You want gentle practices like the bedtime practice and the head neck and shoulder practice. You want to be resting as much as you can. Listening to your intuition right down to what you want to eat for dinner. Prioritise rest. Your body is currently preparing the uterine lining ready to accomodate your baby. So be as gentle with yourself as you would be if you knew you were in the early stages of pregnancy. Take time to really feel into your body, using simple breath practices and meditations.
After ovulation
So for now this is where we can start to move a bit more. Your intention is still to nourish your body at the moment. But if you know you are aiming for another period then you want to start to use the flow video. Circular movements of the pelvis, bits of twistsing again so you oculd use the rotating video if a period is what you are aiming for.
(If you are post ovulation and hoping for pregnancy you would continue with the nourishing bed time practice.)